Monday, July 4, 2011


Because of the fast-changing world in terms of technology, many works becomes more easier to do which cuts the working time into half. With just a click, many works can be done without sweat. The use of computer and other technological stuff in almost all fields is very beneficial and now becomes a necessity. In education, the use of technology is very essential because it tends to improve not only the learning of the students but also the teaching of the teachers by the use of computer and other media tools. To jive in with the modern world of technology, subjects that caters or discusses the use of different technological tools is a great help.

I expect to learn a lot from my Educational Technology 2 subject since it will help me to gain knowledge and  be equipped with the appropriate skills in terms of the new trends in technology which will also help me as a future teacher.

1 comment:

  1. when you make a reflection be sure to use "I" instead of "we" since you share your own insights and learning on this subject.
